Friday, February 28, 2020

Stuffed Pocket and my Journal Cover.

I came across Joie de fi's You Tube channel today, and she had a video on how to make these stuffed pockets using your scraps. I used a magazine page for the base and then just covered it with scraps and fabric scraps. That was quite a fun project.

This little pocket holds quite a few items.

I choose to sew some scraps to the front of the little pocket, so I could attach a little charm.

On the bottom I sewed a little "stopper" so my tags won't fall out, but you can still stick other goodies on top of it.

Here is the pocket empty. It fit perfectly in my journal. I had painted the background of this page, and that is the perfect fit.

Here's the tags and goodies I stuffed it with.

That was such a fun project. Thank you for the inspiration and great tutorial.

This is the front cover of my altered book cover journal. I had painted the background but didn't like it, so I covered it with tissue paper. But I didn't like that either, so I just put another tissue paper over that. On top I made a little pocket that holds a folder. I used some fabric scraps for the cover.

I just embellished it a bit here and there.

For this charm I used about 3 coats of UTEE.

This is the street name where I used to live in Germany.

Here you can kind of see my back cover. I also have 3 elastics to hold my pages.

This is the folder that is on my cover.

Here is a page marker I made.


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