Monday, November 9, 2020

Round Edge Suitcases.

I found a great tutorial at Scrapqueen, on how to make these suitcases. Her Suitcase is quite beautiful. She made hers much bigger. I wanted a smaller version, so I gave it a try.

This was my first try, a 5x6 inch suitcase. I chose a charm I made instead of a handle.

Here you can see the side view. I was very pleased that the top and bottom matched up quite well.

I made my own hinges from silver tape and cardstock.

I used rings as my closure.

I added a pocket to the inside lid.

This is a view of the inside bottom.

Then I decided on making a smaller one, 4x5 inches. I like this size better. I just made a simple wrap around closure. I also made a candy charm to add to the end.

I made the faux leather straps and added faux vintage papers on top.

Here is a side view.

Here I used real hinges.

On the front inside bottom, I decided to add a "lip". This made a lot of difference in keeping the whole suitcase lined up.

They actually look great stacked up. Mango, our cat had to be in the picture. 😃

 It takes a bit of practice to get the round part, but they are fun to put together.                                           Renate